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នត្តិ សន្តិ បរំ សុខំ ពុំមានសេចក្តីសុខណា ស្មើសេចក្តីស្ងាប់ឡើយ!.. សូមអោយសព្វសត្វទាំងអស់ បាននូវសេចក្តីសុខ!May all beings be well and happy!..

Friday, January 20, 2017


    មាឃបូជា ជាពីធីបុណ្យមួយដែលមានសារៈសំខាន់នៅក្នុងពុទ្ធ សាសនាដែលរួមមាន : មាឃបូជា ពិសាខបូជា អាសាឍបូជា និងបុណ្យ បវារណា (ចេញវស្សា)។ បុណ្យមាឃ បូជាប្រារព្ធឡើង ដើម្បីរំលឹកដល់ថៃ្ង ដែល ព្រះសម្មាសម្ពុទ្ធទ្រង់ប្រកាសបង្កើតព្រះ ពុទ្ធសាសនាឡើងក្នុង លោកនាប្រទេសឥណ្ឌាកាលពី ៥៨៨ ឆ្នាំ មុនគ្រិស្តសករាជ នាថៃ្ងទី ១៥កើត ខែមាឃ ក្រោយពីការត្រាស់ដឹងរបស់ព្រះអង្គចំនួន ៩ ខែគត់។ ការបង្កើត ព្រះពុទ្ធសាសនា ក្នុងឋានៈជាអង្គការសាសនាមួយនេះ ធ្វើឡើងនៅ ក្នុង ចំណោម ព្រះសង្ឃចំនួន ១២៥០ អង្គ ជាសមាជិក ក្នុងអង្គមហា សន្និបាតមួយ ដែលបាននិមន្តមកពីគ្រប់ស្រទាប់វណ្ណៈទាំង អស់។ នៅក្នុង មហាសន្និបាតនោះ ព្រះសម្មាសម្ពុទ្ធ ទ្រង់បានប្រកាស នៅគោលការណ៍ ចំនួន១១ ប្រការ សម្រាប់ឲ្យ សមាជិកមហាសន្និបាត ទាំងអស់កាន់យក ជាវិថីជីវិត និងសម្រាប់យកទៅ ផ្សព្វផ្សាយ ដល់ជនដទៃទៀត ឲ្យបាន យល់ពី ពុទ្ធសាសនា ។ គោលការណ៍ ទាំង១១ប្រការនេះ មានឈ្មោះ ជាភាសាបាលីថា "ឱវាទបាដិមោក្ខ" ដែលពុទ្ធ សាសនិកជនម្មាក់ៗ ត្រូវ យកមក សិក្សាឲ្យ យល់ដឹង និងអនុវត្តដូចតទៅ :
Friday, December 9, 2016
3606 47th Street
San Diego, CA 92105
Phone: (619) 269-3659
E-Mail: wat47@watkhmers.org

The Community of Khmer Buddhist Monks Center of the United States of America (CKBM)
Wat Triratanaram

Abbot the Maha Thera Dhammathero Khon Sao

21 - 25 Quigley Avenue
N. Chelmsford, MA 01863
Phones: 978.251.2587, 978.251.1198
Facsimile: 978.251.1198

Thursday, November 10, 2016
The last of the imperfections (defilements) of the mind is negligence. The Pali word is pamāda, meaning heedlessness or negligence. It’s opposite is appamāda, meaning heedfulness, diligence, or zeal — the cornerstone of all skillful mental states.
So to counteract negligence, diligence must be applied to all of the previously mentioned defilements of the mind. If we are diligent, we know when the imperfections are present and we can look for ways to work with them so they don’t overwhelm us. If we are negligent, the defilements use our minds as playgrounds. Every time we interrupt or block a defilement, we strengthen our wisdom. Every time we allow a defilement to roam freely in our minds, that defilement is strengthened.
Vigilance is the path to the Deathless,
Negligence the path to death.
The vigilant do not die;
The negligent are as if already dead. (21)

Through effort, vigilance,
Restraint, and self-control,
The wise person can become an island
No flood will overwhelm. (25)
Unwise, foolish people
Give themselves over to negligence.
The wise
Protect vigilance as the greatest treasure. (26)

– Dhammapada verses, translated by Gil Fronsdal
The Buddha praised diligence for its ability to support the essential ingredients of awakening, the five spiritual faculties:
Bhikkhus, when a bhikkhu is established in one thing, the five faculties are developed, well developed in him. In what one thing? In diligence.
And what, bikkhus, is diligence? Here, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu guards the mind against the taints and against tainted states. While he is guarding the mind thus, the faculty of faith goes to fulfilment by development; the faculty of energy…the faculty of mindfulness…the faculty of concentration…the faculty of wisdom goes to fulfilment by development.
It is in this way, bhikkhus, that when a bhikkhu is established in one thing, the five faculties are developed, well developed in him.

– SN 48.56, translated by Bhikkhu Bodhi
So, the mental activity of “guarding the mind” is key to making progress against our own defilements. When we bring this knowledge to mind again and again, we are doing the work of awakening.
The Buddha’s final words in this world were about diligence:
All conditioned things are subject to decay. Strive on with heedfulness.
– from DN 16, translated by John Kelly
Imperfections that defile the mind:
(1) covetousness and unrighteous greed
(2) ill will
(3) anger
(4) revenge
(5) contempt
(6) a domineering attitude
(7) envy
(8) avarice
(9) deceit
(10) fraud
(11) obstinacy
(12) presumption
(13) conceit (māna)
(14) arrogance
(15) vanity
(16) negligence
from MN7, translated by Bhikkhu Nanamoli and Bhikkhu Bodhi
Friday, September 2, 2016

United Khmer Buddhist Temple

184 Margaret Ave, Stoney Creek, ON L8E 2S4
Email: unitedkhmerbt@gmail.com Tel: (905) 769-4851

 Wat Khmer Tepthidaram

10450 140 Street
Surrey, BC, Canada V3T 4N5
Contact: Ven. STPL
Phone: 604-583-8533
Email: watkhmertepthidaram.canada@yahoo.com
Website: www.watkhmertepthidaram.org

Wat Khmer Krom Buddhist Temple

Khmer Kampuchea Krom Buddhist Temple
516 Barton Street
Stoney Creek, ON
L8E 2L6
E-mail: ttdhammo40@hotmail.com

Wat Khmer London

Khmer Buddhist Serey Sousdey Temple of London
2489 Fanshawe Park Road East
London, ON
N5X 4A1
E-mail: khmerview@cambodianview.com
Charity number: 874263411RR0001 Registered 2001

Khmer Buddhist Temple of Ontario

Wat Khmer Toronto
9575 Keele Street
Maple, ON
L6A 1R6
905-303-0077 or 905-303-0162
Charity number: 889701967RR0001 Registered 1996

ឧបត្ថម្ភដោយ ក្រុមហ៊ុនតេឡេខំម្ញូណេត្សិន
សេវាកម្មទូរស័ព្ទផ្ទះផ្តល់ជួនតម្លៃពិសេសនិងអាចតេទៅកាន់80ប្រទេស ដោយគ្មានកំណត់⁣ ថែមទាំងលោកអ្នកអាចប្រើមិនគិតថ្លៃ បើលោកអ្នករកបានអតិថិជនដែលប្រើសេវាកម្មដូចគ្នាបាន៥នាក់

សូមចុចតាមប្រទេសលោកអ្នករស់នៅ ដើម្បីពត៌មានបន្ថែមឬក៍ជាវ


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